Some illnesses do require a child to stay home from child care or school, and some child care centers have their own policies regarding illnesses. The following chart contains some basic guidelines.
Symptom When it’s OK to send your child
Fevers, coughing, and vomiting Once a doctor indicates it’s OK
Diarrhea If it occurs 2-3 times a day and the stool
is contained in the diaper
Rashes Once doctor indicates it is non-infectious
“Pink-eye” with clear or watery discharge Does not warrant exclusion
“Pink-eye” with yellow or white discharge 24 hours after treatment is started
Strep throat and Impetigo 24 hours after treatment is started
Chicken Pox When all sores are dried and crusted over
Symptom When it’s OK to send your child
Fevers, coughing, and vomiting Once a doctor indicates it’s OK
Diarrhea If it occurs 2-3 times a day and the stool
is contained in the diaper
Rashes Once doctor indicates it is non-infectious
“Pink-eye” with clear or watery discharge Does not warrant exclusion
“Pink-eye” with yellow or white discharge 24 hours after treatment is started
Strep throat and Impetigo 24 hours after treatment is started
Chicken Pox When all sores are dried and crusted over